Support for adopters

Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund: Q&A for local authorities and regional adoption agencies

We fully appreciates that you, families and providers will have queries about the Fund given the current Coronavirus situation.

We want to reassure you that we are closely monitoring the developing situation and following Government guidance.

The ASGSF is operating business as usual and contingency plans have been put in place to minimise any potential disruption. We will update you should any changes occur to this. The Department for Education have published the following information to help you.

Can we still make applications?

Yes. We are currently operating business as usual and will update you should any changes occur.

Will applications take longer than up to 20 working days to process?

No. We are currently operating business as usual and will update you should any changes occur.

Will the ASF Helpline maintain its core operating hours?

Yes, the helpline is operating as usual and we will update you should any changes occur.

Can therapy be delivered virtually if families/providers are not able to meet face to face for sessions?

Yes, if the family and LA/RAA agree with the change of delivery method. Any costs that was part of the original application that are unspent will need to be returned to the ASGSF as part of the spend confirmation process at the end of the funded therapy. The LA/RAA will need to ensure that a safe and secure method is used to ensure confidentiality, data protection and privacy during the virtual sessions.

Can LA/RAA staff who are clinically qualified e.g. psychologists or therapeutically trained adoption support social workers take over delivery in the short term where a provider is not able to deliver due to self- isolation?

Yes, if the individual is suitably qualified to deliver the therapy then it is possible for the funding to move to internal delivery. However, the therapy must be similar, costings the same or less and financial year split accurate. Any costs, that were part of the original application that are unspent will need to be returned to the ASGSF as part of the spend confirmation process at the end of the funded therapy.

If the delivery of ASGSF approved funded therapy is not possible by virtual means, can we use ASGSF funding for something different?

Yes you can but only if the alternative therapy is within scope of the Fund e.g. additional therapeutic parenting support to parents to help them manage the emotional well-being of their children during this period. The costings must be the same or less and the financial year split accurate. Any costs, that were part of the original application that are unspent will need to be returned to the ASGSF as part of the spend confirmation process at the end of the funded therapy.