Education support
Many adopted children can find school difficult. They will often display complex behaviour due to the trauma they experienced at critical times in their development. Consequently, the new environment may make them feel threatened and unsafe and this disrupts their learning. School funding for adopted children As such adopted children can benefit from a range […]
Financial support
As an adoptive parent in England you are entitled to a range of financial support to help meet the specific needs of your child. They include: Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund – funding for therapeutic services to help achieve a range of positive outcomes for you and your family. Adoption leave and pay when your child is placed […]
Priority housing for approved adopters
Approved adopters may be entitled to priority access to council housing – this will depend on the individual Local Authorities housing policy. You would need to make enquiries with the Housing Department in your local authority to establish what the policy is. You can however refer to the guidance below when making a case for […]
Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund: Q&A for local authorities
Applications How does a local authority make an application to the Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund? Applications can be made via the online portal on the Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund website at The site includes guidance notes as well as completed anonymised examples. I have some questions, who should I contact? Local […]
Early Years Pupil Premium: Pre-school support funding
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding for early years pre-school settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3- and 4 year-olds including, but not restricted to, those adopted from care. The funding goes directly to registered early years providers (including pre-schools, nurseries and childminders) that offer children the free early education […]
Adoption Leave and Pay
Employed adopters are usually entitled to adoption leave and may be entitled to adoption pay, which is a legal right. Some employers may offer a more generous scheme than the statutory one, but they cannot offer less than the statutory amounts. Statutory Adoption Leave Adopters who are employed (or one of a couple) may be […]
Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund: Q&A for service providers
What do I need to do to deliver adoption support services funded by the ASGSF? If you are an independent provider of services you must be registered with Ofsted to access funding from the ASGSF or you can be employed to provide adoption support services (which are paid for through the ASGSF) under the Ofsted […]
Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund: Q&A for parents
Is there limit to how much funding a family can access? Yes. Level of demand for the ASGSF has been far higher than anticipated and so to address this the DfE introduced a Fair Access Limit of £5,000 per child for therapy per financial year, as well as a separate amount of up to £2,500 […]
Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund
The Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund (ASGSF) has been established because many families need some kind of therapeutic support following adoption and too many have struggled to get the help they need in the past. The Fund will enable them to access the services they need more easily in future. How it works Who […]
Pupil Premium: school support funding
State-funded schools in England can receive funding to help them give extra support for all children adopted from care. It has been shown in various studies that children adopted from care do not perform as well as their classmates at school. Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Pupil Premium provides funding to help education providers […]