Your Local Authority can advise you on adoption support services that may be available to you.
The local authority that places the child with you is responsible for assessing your adoption support needs for three years after the adoption order. After three years it becomes the responsibility of the local authority where you live (if different).
If the child has lived with you for more than three years then contact your local authority to find out what support services might be available in your area. Each local authority has an Adoption Support Services Adviser (ASSA) who has a responsibility for the services provided by that Local Authority. In the first instance, you would approach the Adoption Support Team in your local authority who are legally obliged to assess the needs of you and your child and will consider with you what services could be of help. The Adoption Passport guides you through the support and entitlements that are available to you.
If you adopted through a Voluntary Adoption Agency you could approach that agency to discuss what post adoption support services the agency provides that would help you. If necessary, your agency could help you approach your Local Authority if that is appropriate.
If you want advice on adoption support you can also contact one of the many adoption support organisations in England, such as Adoption UK or CoramBAAF Adoption & Fostering Academy.
Comments and complaints
If you are unhappy with the support provided by your local authority, or with the time taken to carry out an assessment, you can complain using your local authority’s complaints procedure. Thereafter if you are not satisfied you may be able to refer your complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman. You will also soon be able to raise general concerns with the new Champion for adopters, foster carers and special guardians.